Selasa, 31 Juli 2018

Eternaltrusts kombinira postojeće usluge 4 različite industrije za stvaranje novih proizvoda - autonomni sustav jamstva

Za sada Danas ima više od 16 milijuna milijunaša u svijetu, a najmanje 10 posto njih želi učiniti nešto što je moguće kako bi radikalno produljilo životni vijek i poboljšalo svoj životni standard. Međutim, bez obzira koliko možete ponuditi za plaćanje, još uvijek ne možete kupovati usluge koje nisu odobrene prema pravilima, nedostupne su zbog nemogućnosti zakonodavstva ili zahtijevaju dodatna istraživanja.
Eternaltrusts riješiti ovaj problem stvarajući platformu za svakoga za dizajn proizvoda i usluga potrebnih za njihovu dobrobit, za istraživačke grupe za analizu potencijalne potražnje za njihovim najnovijim dostignućima, te u konačnici, kupcima naših jedinstvenih proizvoda kako bi se ugovor pametan i potrebna infrastruktura koja osigurat će kupnju budućih autonomnih usluga.

Vječna povjerenja je platforma blokada za buduće kupovine u tijeku tehnologije. Na svijetu danas ima više od 16 milijuna milijunaša, a najmanje 10% njih će biti uzbuđeni zbog pokušaja bilo čega što bi radikalno produljilo život i poboljšalo svoj životni standard. Međutim, bez obzira koliko ste spremni platiti, i dalje vam je zabranjeno kupovati usluge koje regulator nije odobrio, nedostupni zbog nemogućnosti zakonodavstva ili zahtijevanje dodatnih istraživanja. Pružamo rješenje za ovaj problem koji stvara platformu na kojoj pojedinci mogu formulirati proizvode i usluge potrebne za njihovu dobrobit, gdje istraživačke grupe mogu analizirati potencijalne potražnje za njihovim najnovijim dostignućima, i na kraju, u kojoj kupci jedinstvenih proizvoda možemo sklopiti ugovor pametan što će samostalno osigurati kupnju budućih usluga.

EternalTrusts pruža rješenja za ovaj problem stvaranjem Za pokretanje naše platforme prikupljamo platformske fondove u kojima pojedinci mogu dizajnirati proizvode kroz prodajni token, počevši od 22. ožujka. i usluge potrebne za njihovu dobrobit, gdje će se koristiti prihod od prodaje žetona za: istraživačke grupe mogu analizirati potencijalne potražnje za njihovim najnovijim dostignućima, i na kraju, u kojoj kupci jedinstvene proizvode možemo napraviti ugovore inteligentan da će osigurati kupnju autonomne usluge budućnost.

Eternaltrusts platforma je vrlo prikladno za postupak u tijeku algoritama, spojite nakon zamrzavanja ili kemijskog fiksiranja, a mnoge usluge su jednako fantastičan, ali to vrijedi, kada postanu pravni, etički i dostupni na tržištu.

Eternaltrusts je okupio tim stručnjaka iz različitih područja: osnivanje zaklade (povjerenje je pravni ugovor koji osigurava korištenje sredstava isključivo za svrhe koje je postavio settlor - Stvoritelja od povjerenja), upravljanje imovinom (kako bi se osiguralo povjerenje sredstva naših klijenata će dobiti vrijednost gore proizvodi i usluge potrebne su dostupni), u biomedicini (za kontinuirano praćenje naše medicinske izvođača skladu sa standardima biominerali za pohranu kako bi se osigurala usklađenost s ciljevima naših klijenata) te u blockchain tehnologije.

Nakon ponude ponuda, planiramo ući na tržište s uslugom koja će zadržati potražnju privlačenjem ljudske prirode. S obzirom na jedinstveni skup usluga koje nudimo, planiramo uhvatiti 10% ciljanih ciljeva s ukupnim tržišnim potencijalom od 1,6 milijuna ljudi.

Eternaltrusts kombinira postojeće usluge od 4 različite industrije za stvaranje novih proizvoda - autonomni sustav jamstva, u tijeku kupnje drugih novih biomedicinskih i vitalnih usluga trenutno nisu dostupni.




Distribucija fondova / Distribucija ETT Tokena







22. ožujka - 30. svibnja 2018

Početna cijena od 1 ETT 0.01 USD
Tokeni za prodaju: 200'000'000 ETT
Predinstalirani cilj: 2'000'000 USD

Početak: 1. lipnja - 1. kolovoza 2018

Cijena: 0,014 - 0,018 - 0,021 USD
Tokeni za prodaju: 1'750'000'000 ETT
Meka kapa: 7'000'000 USD
Tvrdi poklopac: Definiranje nakon Presalea

Web stranica
Whitepaper |
Twitter |
Facebook |

prema: api neraka
PROFIL BTT:;u=1410350

Kamis, 26 Juli 2018

BiNeuro Postanite certificirani partner za Google AdWords

Recenzije - ICO Bineuro
BiNeuro je umjetna inteligencija - neuronska mreža koja može naučiti i akumulirati iskustva. Sustav postaje "pametniji" sa svakom novom reklamnom kampanjom na Internetu.
BiNeuro ne samo da sadrži funkcije optimiranja živaca, već i stručni sustav procjene.

Bineuro je ciljni sustav za pohranu biblioteke slika u većini geografski uspješnih i industrijskih kampanja, a kada novi klijenti nastanu, BiNeuro se odmah prebacuje na slično iskustvo.

Bineuro pruža maksimalnu učinkovitost, što može biti korisno za tvrtke koje plaćaju za oglašavanje, pa čak i za profesionalce koji naplaćuju naknadu za pregled, povećavaju učinkovitost kampanje za najmanje 50% u 87% slučajeva.

Pomoću ovog softvera mogu učinkovito smanjiti troškove jer zahtijevaju manje stručnjaka i imat će veću kontrolu nad oglašivačkim kampanjama.

Zapravo, tvrtka očekuje da će u budućnosti služiti više od 340.000 agenata i 12 milijuna slobodnjaka.

Faza 1 - eksplozivni rast klijentske baze.

Jedinstveni pokazatelji uspješnosti usluge. Neuro-optimizacija kontrolnih točaka dovest će do velikog rasta BiNeuroove klijentske baze, koja se sastoji od svojih partnera i klijenata, izravnih oglašivača.

BiNeuro Ecosystem naplaćuje fiksnu naknadu za priključenje i mjesečnu naknadu za podršku Neuro-PPC optimizaciji.

Korak 2 - Razvoj ekološkog sustava BiNeuro.

U drugoj fazi, partneri će imati priliku biti dio BiNeuro ekosustava. Osim partnera, ekosustavi će uključivati ​​i sudionike, stručnjake, izvođače, blogere, offline medije, klijente itd.

BiNeuro ekosustav stvara maksimalne mogućnosti partnerima da rastu svoje poslovanje.



Početak poslovanja UCT oglašavanja
Rani razvoj algoritama za otkrivanje napada s informacijama
Izrada matematičkih modela neuronskih mreža
Opis modela potrošačkih ponašanja promotivnih proizvoda

Započnite razvoj prototipne neuronske mreže koja optimizira promociju u Google Adwords
Postanite prva Google koja ispunjava uvjete za ispunjavanje uvjeta u Istočnoj Europi i CIS-u
Pokrenite vlastitu alfa verziju neuronske mreže BiNeuro
Postanite prvi partner certificiran za Google AdWords
Pokretanje BiNeuro 1.0 (11734 oglasna kampanja).

Dobila je certifikat ISO 9001: 2008
Pokretanje tvrtke BiNeuro 2.0 u tvrtki (26381 oglasna kampanja)
Postanite certificirani partner usluge Google Analytics
Postanite ovlašteni agent tvrtke Yandex Direct
Pobjednik Google Power-Up

Pokretanje vlastite tvrtke BiNeuro 3.0 (53 902 oglasna kampanja)
Osvojite dobitnik nagrade Google "Ready for Rock"
Postanite glavni partner tvrtke Google Inc.
Postanite Googleov najbrže rastući partner na svijetu
Trčanje BiNeuro 4.0 kod kuće

Ograničenja ciljanja Google Adwords:

Na vašem računu nema više od 5.000.000 pojedinačnih elemenata ciljanja (na primjer, ključne riječi, položaji i popisi kategorija korisnika).

Na vašem računu nema više od 1.000.000 stavki ciljanja kampanje (na primjer, lokacije koje ciljaju kampanju i negativne ključne riječi)

Nema više od 10.000 ciljanih ili isključenih mjesta u kampanji, uključujući do 500 ciljnih područja unutar radijusa.

Na vašem računu nema više od 20 popisa za isključivanje dodjele (maksimalni broj stavki na popisu iznosi 65.000).

Ne više od 65.000 isključenih položaja na razini računa za svaki račun (odvojeno od popisa, kampanja i izuzimanja grupa oglasa).

Ne postoji više od 128.000 isključenih položaja u grupi oglasa (ovo uključuje iznimke za vaš račun, popise, kampanje i grupe oglasa).

 Dostupnost softvera već je dostupna, ali primjenjuje sredstva prikupljena od ICO-a kako bi modernizirala vlastite koncepte i pokrenula najnoviju internetsku verziju BiNeura, koju mogu koristiti male marketinške agencije. Primjenom pametnih ugovora i osnovnih detaljnih informacija, testiranim od strane blockbustera, BiNeuro je u mogućnosti učinkovitije obavljati oglašavanje.

 Road Map

Web sučelje
Srpanj - Rujan01.07.2018 - 30.09.2018 Integracija formiranja narudžbi Integracija s SEO integracijom i AI chatbot s uslugom YouTube i osobna baza podataka

  Listopad - prosinac01.10.2018 - 30.12.201 Integracija SMM i Google izvješća

Siječanj - ožujak 01/01/2019 - 30/03/2019 Integracija programa CPA integracije

  Travanj - lipanj 01.04.2019. - 06/30/2019 Utjecaj integracije u Google Analytics marketing integraciju

Ekosustava i blokiranje

Listopad - decabr01.10.2018 - 30/12/2018 Formiranje partnerskih hijerarhija u konceptima (Premier partneri, udruge, samostalni stručnjaci, revizija menadžmenta, nezavisnih institucija) razvija katalozi kataloga partnera s ocjenama koje odgovaraju na rad i društveno umrežavanje.

Dodajte nezavisnu funkciju traženja posla u ekosustav

Siječanj - ožujak01.01.2019 - 2019/03/30 Kontrola zaključava istinitost odgovora i prosudbi

BiNeuro Nova usluga

Srpanj - rujan 01/01/2018 - 30/09/2018 PP CSE OK MC

Listopad - prosinac 01.10.2018 - 30.12.2018 SMM

 Siječanj - ožujak01.01.2019 - 30. ožujka 2013. CPA

Travanj - lipanj 01.04.2019. - 06/30/2019 Utjecaj marketinškog programa

 Dodatni izvori prometa u prometu

Srpanj - Rujan01 / 07/2018 - 30. rujna 2013. YouTube

Listopad - prosinac 01.10.2018 - 30. prosinca 2013. Yandex

Siječanj - ožujak 01/01/2019 - 30.03.2015 Povezivanje s 10 najvećih CPA mreža

Travanj - lipanj1.04.2019 - 06/30/2019 Baidu

  Uvjeti ICO i token

Token: BNR
Početni tok prodaje: Mart 27, 2018
Razdoblje prodaje sigurnosnog ključa: 4. lipnja 2018
Token Cijena: 5-50 ETH, 1 = 0,0001 ETH BNR
Ukupna ponuda: 850 milijuna BNR
Standardni znak: ERC 20
Hardcup: 47.000 ETH.
  Također postoje popusti

 5-15 ETH: 2% popusta;
15-30 ETH: 5% popusta;
30-50 ETH: 8% popusta;
50+ ETH: 10% popusta.
  Fiksni broj žetona će biti izdan, volumen prodaje će biti ograničen na Hard Cap, neprodani žetoni će biti spaljen. Distribucija žetona učinit će se pametnim ugovorom. Prikupljena sredstva će se koristiti za razvoj ekosustava, integraciju tokena i financiranje oglašavanja i marketinga.



Fiksni broj žetona koji će se izdati bit će ograničen volumenom tvrdog diska, a neprodani žetoni će biti snimljeni. Distribucija tokena vrši se putem pametnih ugovora. Akumulirani fond će se koristiti za razvoj ekosustava, integraciju tokena i financiranje oglašavanja i marketinga.

Za informacije o kontaktima tvrtke Bineuro:

Bijelo izvješće:




Ann Threads BTT:

IME: api neraka

BitcoinTalk PROFIL:;u=1410350

novčanik: 0xAe987590f60Ce474278bA63C659862E8C4740577

Selasa, 24 Juli 2018

thanks to a smart contract (VIVA) for Ethereum, decentralization, security, reliability, and transparency will be achieved.

Viva network.jpg

Nowadays in many developing countries (and not only), there is the problem of buying a home. For cash, this is simply not possible, and getting a mortgage loan is a very problematic problem so that many people refuse it completely. And in vain. Recently attracted to this problem, I found a way out. Now the Viva Network project is growing rapidly, which is the best way to get a mortgage for a different purpose.

According to the motto of project representatives, their main task is to destroy the global mortgage industry, which is morally outdated and does not fulfill its function. Specialists from Viva Network apply the fastest, least expensive, and most importantly transparent method of obtaining a mortgage. By using the intellectual infrastructure of smart contracts, the system directly connects people who need mortgages to private creditors. And this works all over the world, that is, you can get loans anywhere in the world. Is this our promise? We totally ignored the bank and their tremendous interest.

I'm sure this is a great idea and experts in the financial world agree with me. So, on some popular sources, only positive reviews are found. "Viva Network is a unique idea with a working platform and with a real team of experts.This is one of the most successful ICOs of the year." "Viva Network's offer can be a destructive force that will make the modern financial system to its knees and offer better conditions to obtain a mortgage loan. " I note that these are only a few statements by reputed analysts.

So why did my eyes fall on Viva Network? There are several criteria that I conclude. First, Viva Network uses smart contracts, which allows accepting transparent mortgage loans without risk. Second, the absence of intermediaries, which will undoubtedly affect the material and time costs. Third, the platform will create a free mortgage market, and this will reduce the inefficiency of search and protection of intermediaries. And the last is an opportunity for big investors who participate in projects to own shares in the company. How do you find such a prospect? I am really satisfied with this, and this is the best that can be found in the modern financial services market.

And now let's see what has worked and is expected to be implemented in the future.
Orientation to blockade. All important data, statistics, transactions, and customer ratings will be stored in the cell. And thanks to a smart contract for Ethereum, decentralization, security, reliability, and transparency will be achieved.
Implementation of AI. In the near future, the introduction of artificial intelligence is planned. With the help of machine learning, you can achieve better evaluation and recommendations, classify and detect risks, and also take the best loan portfolio.
Smart software. Thanks to the development engineers involved in this project, specially developed software that can adapt to changes in financial markets.
Scalability. It is very clear that in the future, Viva Network will not have releases from customers, so you need to take care of the scale. That's why there are developments that will enable using low-cost and high-performing high-performing mortgage trading with high availability for customers.
And this is just a fraction of the improvements that have been distributed by company representatives.

Now there is a trend toward mobile apps. Viva Network leaders cannot pass this and develop applications that will work on the Android and iOS platforms. But even now this platform has a mobile design, which is great for developing countries, where mobile internet access is dominating. And this is a decent percentage of customers.


And now let's talk about the team. The Viva Network project involves a large number of specialists, each of whom is responsible for their duties. You can find out about them on the official website and view their profiles on linkedin. In addition to the permanent members of the team, there are third-party employees who advise and solve complex issues.


The idea for the creators of the project Viva Network was born in 2016. The next year the project staff spent on studying the ecosystem and identifying suitable technologies. A little later, we needed analytical market data and developed a beta version of the valuation algorithm. Already this year the company launched the creation of its own crypto currency and started a marketing marathon. In the summer of this year, the project representatives plan to launch the development of the Real Value 2.0 application and get all the permissions to work in the financial market. In 2019, it is planned to launch the mortgage lending platform and receive the first contract. As you can see, the plans for the project are large, and, with most of them already implemented.


Conclusion. The failure of 2008, which put the modern banking system on its knees, gave impetus to the development of decentralization, blocking technology and the emergence of the first crypto currency in the world. Viva Network had a chance to complete the work, bringing to the logical conclusion of cryptotechnology, introducing them into the renewed financial sphere, which we, as I am sure, will use.


BY: api neraka


Senin, 23 Juli 2018

HUMANCOIN - Safe and Reliable Good Currency Join us ... !!

HALLO, I will explain a little about the crypto currency project, This is the most relevant in the world of crypto currency, which is characterized by its high volatility. I decided to look for projects where all the tools for trading that are productive, high quality and profitable by crypto currency will come together. And this is the HUMANCOIN project.

About Humancoin

Humancoin is a blockchain project, which unites philanthropists and recipients on a single platform in the most convenient and transparent way. Donors (consisting of one in three of us globally) can quickly donate worldwide, monitor their spending online and also receive discounts from platform partners.

Charitable projects can receive funds with minimal exploitation costs and in a short time in convenient currency. Blockchain can reduce or even eliminate the need for third parties (long chain banks, NGOs, government agencies, law firms and so on). Blockchain can simplify the development of direct delivery platforms on a much larger scale.

How it works

This platform provides an opportunity to fully track online donations, as well as select and rank for projects and philanthropic along with other features.

There is also an option to receive a receipt for each donation that will be used for tax deduction purposes depending on the donor's tax jurisdiction.

Future project expansions will be financed by 5% - generated from funds raised for charitable projects, which are 4 times lower than the market average. Charity projects, both personal initiatives and foundations include details on the Humancoin platform.

They complete the initial stage standard format. In the future, Humancoin plans to conduct a forensic audit with the help of special financial and legal teams. Contributions can be anonymous or, conversely, if the donor wants it, it can be published.

Why Own Humancoin?

The Humancoin tokens can be easily convertible into any points, miles, bonuses, coupons. Token owners will be a long-term, stable demand for tokens.

As the number of partners and the scope of cooperation within the Humancoin Network grows, so does the popularity of the tokens.

The Proof of Charity "mining" concept allows the project to scale hundreds and thousands of times.

Unique Features Of Humancoin

This is the first ever blockchain project that has the potential to become a global e-commerce loyalty program aggregator.

Association with philanthropy gives its tokens a unique advantage in developing loyalty programs with partners creating a strong emotional resonance.

Instance of competing with existing programs, the Humancoin token is effortlessly integrated into already existing systems - all it requires is setting a conversion rate

Problem: Lack Of Trust
Doubts over whether the contribution will reach the recipient in full and on time, and lack of trust in charities.
High operational costs of the transactions, the complexity of cross-border payments, as well as dealing with regulatory agencies.
Inability to discern any additional benefits for making a donation.


Blockchain solves the trust issue by providing transparency, traceability, and security.
Donors can quickly make donations worldwide, monitor their online expenditure, and receive benefits from the platform's partners.

The symbiosis of e-commerce and cryptocurrencies will facilitate an increase in the number of donors.
Among the project's partners will be large online stores, service businesses, gaming and entertainment industries, airlines, crypto exchanges, international corporations, regardless of whether they operate with cryptocurrencies or not.

Competitive Analysis

Virtually everyone recognizes the need to make the philanthropic industry transparent and completely manageable with the help of blockchain technology. However, there are relatively few blockchain projects in the charity sphere: cherr, aidcoin, clearaid, differences among them.

But these are niche or local start-ups that do not operate beyond the philanthropic industry. It is about the same number of blocks of development that leads to the growth of e-commerce players.

Registration Of Benefactors

To get involved with charity projects on the Humancoin platform, a user must register and complete verification. After that, he will be able to make donations anonymously or with different levels of personal information disclosure.

The dashboard will allow each participant to manage donations platform, adjust information flow and receive reports on projects of interest, interact with other donors and / or recipients via the Humancoin messenger. Platform users can download receipts via the interface to get valid documents confirming the transfer of funds to charity in order to file tax deductions, depending on the tax jurisdiction of the donor.

Proof Of Charity

The Proof of Charity The concept of allowing you to create a part of the project Humancoin community in the future.

Basic Information

HUMA Token Name
3,055,000,000 HUMA Sale Tokens
Token Price 0.01 USD
Ethereum Platform
Token Supply 6,000,000,000 HUMA
Hard Cap 26,000,000 USD
Soft Cap 6,000,000 USD

Distribution Tokens

50.9% token sale
16.7% Development
20% Advisors
8.3% Consultants and exchanges
4.1% Bounty


Team and Advisors

Giles Gailer - CEO
Kate Bublik - CMO

Finally, what I can say is the tremendous potential of this company. All-round ICO is very striking. This is a great open road to enter the ICO world.
If you know how to improve the HUMANCOIN community.If you know how to spread information about HUMANCOIN in this world.If you have any ideas for other improvements, it is a privilegeIf you all participate in the HUMANCOIN bounty.
More Information Visit The Humancoin Link:

Minggu, 22 Juli 2018

The GSC Aviation Project is designed to facilitate and reduce the cost of this process due to its innovative solutions.


Of Most of us traveling. But because of the considerable distance it is necessary to use air flights. Of course, this greatly shortens the time, but many of us are afraid to fly by airplanes, and some even have such phobias. I certainly agree with this idea, but the world does not stand still and new technology replaces the old technology. One of them, and, in my opinion, the most interesting is the GSC Aviation project.

What is the GSC Aviation platform? It is a union of people who intend to maintain flight safety. That is, they assume that in the near future (about a year from now) we will be able to make long air flights without any risk at all. In addition, I can not help but note that just to focus on air transport, representatives of the GSC Aviation project do not mean. Once their ideas are introduced into this mode of transportation, they will address the issues of the automotive environment and rail transport.

It is worth saying that the GSC Aviation platform is designed for both customers and the manufacturer. Despite the fact that the air navigation sector is developing at a rapid pace, there are still moments that are holding back this process. In particular, I would mention the approach to the selection and delivery of components and parts for aircraft. At the moment, only large companies with a solid budget can make a choice in the direction of a proven supplier. And despite the eminence of the supplier, they still test and verify the acquired part. However, not everyone has such an opportunity.
The GSC Aviation project is designed to facilitate and reduce the cost of this process due to its innovative solutions. Such a solution will be the introduction of blocking technology. This will contribute to better tracking of components and parts, logistics. Each part will be entered in the register, which will also contain information on the date of its manufacture, installation, modernization and repair, as well as the end-use time. All these data are constantly monitored, and in the case of a date approach to one of the periods, an alert occurs. So no small detail will not be left without attention. Safety, first of all.

And what will change for us, that is, those who use air transport? Here improvements are even greater.


Airlines search.
If earlier we just found a company providing air flights by its name, now it will be possible to study its activity thoroughly. No secret information and deceit on their part - everything is transparent.


Quick search.
The creators of GSC Aviation offer us to use a special module that will quickly find an air carrier in close proximity to you.


If earlier you chose an air carrier, now the airline will be interested in attracting more customers. Competition is growing, which means that the requirements for air transport users are increasing.


Data optimization.
Each self-respecting airline, interested in high-quality transportation of passengers, will acquire an identification card. These cards will be stored in a special cell, where each of the interested customers will have access.
Tracking companies.
Each client will receive information about the carrier and its cooperation with other carriers. What does this give us? This will allow us to save time on searching for a carrier and make the flight process cheaper.

The introduction of a new system for air carriers will take place in 2019. This will be preceded by many tests.
The main goal of GSC Aviation is to simplify the processes of interaction with the creator of components for air transport, their delivery and maintenance. For this, powerful technical tools are created to help the service personnel.

I have never used an airline for travel. I will not hide that there is fear, but having read the plans of GSC Aviation, I will use their decision, because its implementation is not far off. Why did I make such a decision? This is all due to the fact that representatives of GSC Aviation will secure the movement through the air. This will be facilitated by quality supplies of parts, their operation and monitoring of their condition. Also, you can not fail to note the reduction in transportation costs. Innovations in air travel are what I've been waiting for a long time.

More info in:

Author: api neraka

btt profile:


Sabtu, 21 Juli 2018

The MOZO smart contract is made between a retail smartphone or an IoT device (like Beacon) and a consumer smartphone,

Greetings to you my blog readers!
Mozo is a block-based communications solution for companies and retailers, to improve and control traffic in offline stores.
Mozo provides resellers and site operators with the ability to monitor and increase their traffic on platforms and applications developed by the project. Giving the Mozilla Token a gift to visit, view (open) and buy, customers get an incentive to go where you send them. Customers can accumulate Mozo tokens and redeem them for transactions, discounts, and promotions. Mozto-tokens are token-utilities that run on the Ethereum block chain. This means a value that goes beyond the Mozo gift application, which lets you buy tokens and trade on selected exchanges.

Mozo works by using a "smart contract", which is associated with retail trade. This smart contract is made between a retail smartphone or an IoT device (like Beacon) and a consumer smartphone, when they find their respective devices. Reseller smartphones can receive and process transactions on customer orders. In other words, the Mozo contract is a user-generated transaction, which passes a control command between the user's device or the user's system. Therefore, the project creates an intellectual contract, in which the object of intellectual contracting is processing transactions within a network of leaf chains.

Mozo is a leader in IPS technology, having achieved successful results with leading operators China Mall, Wanda Group and 361, one of the leading sportswear retailers in China. Strategic partnerships with industry leaders Wanda China, Suntec Singapore and DCG Korea establish Mozo as a promising retail destination in Hong Kong, China, Singapore and Korea. With 38,000 places devoted to Mozilla's implementation, the project is planning up to 300,000 seats, to be implemented by Mozo over the next three years. The goal of this project is to be number 1 for the global retail market.
Initial users hope that the Mozo user interface will be intuitive, flexible, high performing, responsive, and easy to use. Mozo has developed two applications to include online services in stand-alone and online mode: APP APP and APP Retailers.

Consumer apps (APP APP) offer online and offline modes, illustrated when submitting this subsection:
If consumer smartphones have not detected beacons (located at merchant locations), the app will switch to online mode. In the online mode, "Consumer apps" show similar functions to e-commerce applications (eg, Tmall or Amazon), except that the app supports Mozilla tokens and allows consumers to access their favorite stores (and not just for supplies). In addition, this app supports online shopping and in-store collections, which are other O2O features. The app also includes a showroom that lets you see new "arrivals" products that are only available in physical stores before consumers decide to visit and open the product directly.
APP resellers can be used by either Seller or reseller, depending on their login rights.
The unique feature of this app is to find regular customers who come to the store through their own lighthouse, shopping model history and physical donations such as the size of shoes and clothing. It helps sellers actively engage and personalize services for consumers. Another feature that the project wants to add to Mozo 3.0 is the consumer's ability to select the seller he knows as the preferred officer for his favorite store.

Mozo Token is the digital currency for all transactions and sellers in certain shopping centers, etc. Mozilla Token is the currency converted from loyalty points when you make a purchase. Due to the growing online shopping trend, physical centers lose their appeal for competitiveness and price convenience. To restore the need for a physical store, Moso tokens are aimed at returning the city's retail giant. Giving a gift of Mozo Token, the customer directly contacts the operator and store owner who is encouraged to open a new place, search for products and make purchases.
Token Distribution:
Token fee: 5 000 000 000 - 100%
Treasury Mozo: 2,500,000,000 - 50%
The Moso Foundation: 1,250,000,000 - 25%
Pre-sale and sale of tokens: 1,250,000,000 - 25%
1 Token = 0.09 USD (1st tranche)
The total number of Mozilla tokens will be 5 billion.
The overall objective of fundraising for the Mozo project is US $ 88 million, which is divided into 2 separate sections of token sales, namely:
The first stage
Hard Cap: $ 42 million
Number of tokens to be sold: 700 million
Token Price: US $ 0.09
Method of distribution: Pre-sale and Crowdsdale
Pre-sale: May 8, 2018 to July 10, 2018
Crowdsale: July 11, 2018 to July 18, 2018
Unsold token distribution: redistributed pro rata to first-stage buyers.
The second stage
Hard Cap: $ 46 million
Number of tokens on sale: 550 million
Token Price: US $ 0.12
Distribution method: only Crowdsale
Crowdsale: Target for Q4 2018
Unsold token distribution: redistributed pro rata to second-tier buyers.
Thank you for your attention and see you again soon!

Link to project:

👉 Project website:
👉 Bitcoin:
👉 Technical description:
👉 Twitter:
👉 Facebook:
👉 Telegram:

Author: api neraka
ETH Address: 0xAe987590f60Ce474278bA63C659862E8C4740577

BTT PROFILE:;u=1410350

Jumat, 20 Juli 2018


For now, people are actively using online stores to buy certain products - equipment, jewelry, hardware, every customer wants to get a safe and quality product from the best manufacturers. But in most situations people become fake, without realizing it! Developers of the decentralized PDB platform offer a unique solution that will almost completely eliminate the counterfeit market. The basis of this platform is blocking, as well as individual contracts - this makes it possible to ensure the safe use of it.

Why GDP will be a very relevant project

Initially, it is necessary to consider the existing problem and to experience its scale. The counterfeit market is a worldwide, rapidly expanding, economically dangerous problem that desperately needs a global solution.

The black market of stolen and counterfeit goods inflicts irreparable harm to brands and fuels crime. All because of the lack of information - blockchain technology allows you to track the history of all products at a low price, no one will have to buy a fake or stolen product.

Manufacturers are already spending a huge $ 82.05 billion each year trying to prevent counterfeit goods, but this figure is also increasing dramatically. Scammers have moved to virtually all sectors of production: from fashion labels and luxury watches to bags and batteries. Every object bought and sold faces the problem of identity. And with $ 23.45 trillion of goods sold around the world every year, this is a huge problem. It requires a universal, worldwide authentication method, not only for all product groups.

How our decentralized platform will cope with the situation

Together we can solve the problem of $ 4.2 trillion.

Be part of the movement to stop counterfeiting and counterfeit goods, while saving is 4.2 trillion dollars a year. Goods Digital Passports uses blockchain technology to instantly provide you with important data about a product. This opens up new opportunities for all users of the platform.

For manufacturers and agents

After registration, manufacturers and their authorized agents can quickly and easily register products through a secure application programming interface (API) or Webportal.

Authorized producers / retailers of goods may also register authorized agents for the release of GDP on their behalf, or for the products that have been authenticated by the agent.

For retailers

Retailers can choose to scan the QR code of the item in the system when it is received at the storage location (scan to protect the store from shrinkage) or scan the item at the point of sale. The Retailer application will record the sales date, sales price and customer email address. This system works regardless of whether the goods are sold online or in the store.

In the future, the Retailer application can also be used to send "restock" requests to manufacturers, which makes systems more efficient for all participants.
For consumers
Every time a customer makes a purchase with GDP, the retailer registers them as the owner of the product.

The client can then download the free application, verify the authenticity of the product and ensure that his or her own data is accurate and up-to-date.

Here you can dwell on the use of a decentralized platform in more detail - in fact in most situations it is the victims of fraudulent schemes. But the developers of the project are sure that the situation will change quickly! It's enough just to download a special mobile application, which is already available for download. It allows you to quickly scan QR-codes of products to confirm their authenticity. The application provides really complex information about who created a certain product and when.


The creators of the platform believe that such a project is doomed to success - because today people want to buy only quality, original products.

For more information you can visit the link below:


user name: api neraka

btt profile:;u=1410350

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